Get Creative with Flutter: Implementing Diverse Art Styles in Your AI App

Muhammad Bilal
3 min readMay 3, 2024

The allure of AI art lies in its ability to transcend the boundaries of human imagination, generating unique and captivating visuals across a multitude of styles. As a Flutter developer, harnessing this creative power in your AI art app is now easier than ever. With Nextjourney’s source code as your foundation, you can unlock a world of artistic possibilities and provide users with a diverse palette of styles to explore.

AI Text to arts App

Nextjourney’s Art Style Palette:

Nextjourney already offers an impressive range of art styles, catering to various artistic preferences:

  • Traditional: Illustration, Painting, Watercolor, Ink Wash, Pointillism
  • 3D and Digital Art: 3D Style, Illustration 3D, Unreal Engine, 3D Anime
  • Artistic Movements: Pop Art, Vaporwave Art, Van Gogh, Fauvism, Naive Art, Impasto
  • Specific Genres: Cyberpunk, Steampunk, Futuristic, Ghibli, Pixar, Anime
  • Design-Oriented: Logo Design, Icon Design, T-Shirt Design

Expanding Your Artistic Horizons:

While Nextjourney’s existing styles provide a great starting point, the true power lies in the ability to expand your artistic horizons. Here’s how you can implement diverse art styles in your Flutter AI art app using Nextjourney’s code as a base:

1. Integrating Additional AI Models:

Nextjourney leverages the Hugging Face API to access various AI models for art generation. Explore the vast collection of models available on Hugging Face and choose those that align with your desired art styles. For instance, you might consider models specializing in:

  • Photorealism: Generate incredibly realistic images based on text prompts.
  • Abstract Art: Create unique and expressive abstract pieces that evoke emotions.
  • Specific Art Movements: Integrate models trained on specific art movements like Impressionism, Surrealism, or Cubism.
  • Pop Culture Styles: Explore models that generate art in the style of popular comics, movies, or video games.

2. Customizing the Art Style Selection UI:

Nextjourney provides a user-friendly interface for selecting art styles. You can customize this UI to enhance the user experience:

  • Visual Previews: Display thumbnail previews of each art style to give users a better understanding of the stylistic differences.
  • Categorization: Group similar styles together for easier navigation and discovery.
  • Search Functionality: Implement a search bar to allow users to quickly find specific art styles.
  • Style Recommendations: Develop an algorithm to recommend styles based on user preferences or previous creations.

3. Fine-tuning and Experimentation:

Remember that achieving the desired art style often requires fine-tuning and experimentation. Here are some tips:

  • Prompt Engineering: Experiment with different prompt structures and keywords to influence the stylistic output of the AI model.
  • Model Parameters: Explore the parameters of the AI model, such as temperature or number of iterations, to adjust the level of abstraction or detail.
  • Post-processing Effects: Consider applying post-processing effects within your Flutter app to enhance or modify the generated artwork.

Nextjourney’s Code: Your Gateway to Artistic Diversity

By building upon Nextjourney’s codebase, you can create an AI art app that celebrates artistic diversity and empowers users to explore a world of creative possibilities. Whether you’re aiming for photorealistic portraits, abstract landscapes, or stylized anime characters, the combination of Flutter and AI provides the perfect canvas for your artistic vision.

Start your journey today and unleash the power of diverse art styles in your Flutter AI app!



Muhammad Bilal

My name is Muhammad Bilal and I am a blogger. I like writing blogs and it’s a good feeling to help others. I write about technology, health & fitness and other.